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New Allen Bradley 2711P-K15C4A8 PanelView Plus 1500 2711P-RP8A 2711P-RDK15C

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New Sealed Allen-Bradley 2093-AC05-MP5 Servo Drive

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Allen Bradley 5094-AEN2TR Flex 5000 I/O Ethernet/IP RJ45 Adapter Module


NEW Allen Bradley 1756-L72S /B GuardLogix Processor


Allen Bradley 2711p-T15c6a2 Panelview Plus 1500

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New Sealed Allen Bradley 1756-OF8I /A ControlLogix 8 Point Analog Output


Allen Bradley 1732D-81801212D ARMORBLOCK

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New Factory Sealed AB 1769-IF4I SER A Compact I / O Analog Input Module


NEW SEALED Allen Bradley 2711PC-T6C20D8 Ser A Panelview Plus 600 Interface


Allen Bradley 1769-L24ER-QB1B /A CompactLogix Controller

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New Allen Bradley 5069-OB16 /A Compact I/O 16-Ch 24VDC Output Module


New Sealed Allen Bradley 5069-OB16 /B Compact I/O 16-Ch 24VDC Output Module

Our extensive catalog of Allen Bradley products and parts offer flexibility, productivity, quality, and reliability to suit any need or function. Regardless if you're in search of just one component like our multifunctional PLCs or require something more complicated like the entire automation system, we have what you need. Allen Bradley is renowned for its cutting-edge industrial automation systems that are frequently deployed across a variety of industries, including HVAC&R in the Food & Beverage Processing industry.

Allen Bradley Parts

Improve your automation system with our Allen Bradley parts. We offer a wide variety of products, including modular I/O systems that can be programmed to meet the specific needs of any application. These Allen Bradley parts are compatible with various products and can help improve and maintain controller functionality.

Allen Bradley PLC For Sale

All Allen Bradley PLCs for sale come from reputable, trusted sources that are 100% vetted and inspected. Allen Bradley PLC is designed to control, manage, or monitor input-output (I/O) for a variety of products and devices. Whether you're looking for a versatile PLC or trying to find one to run a particular application, ROC Automation has you covered.


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